4 DPO: Signs, Symptoms & What to Expect

Can you notice pregnancy signs just 4 days after ovulation? Or is 4 DPO too soon to know if you’ve successfully conceived? When you’re trying to conceive (TTC), every twinge, every mood swing, and every craving can ...
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3 DPO: Signs, Symptoms & What to Expect

When you’re trying to conceive (TTC), the wait after ovulation feels like forever, right? At 3 days past ovulation (or 3 DPO for short), you’re probably wondering, “Am I pregnant or not?” Well, it’s still ...
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2 DPO: Signs, Symptoms & What to Expect

You’ve just passed ovulation, and now you’re submerged into the emotional whirlwind known as the TWW (two-week wait). Many women find themselves hovering between hope and uncertainty, asking questions like: “Is it too soon for ...
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1 DPO: Signs, Symptoms & What to Expect

Are you embarking on your TTC journey? In this article, we’re exploring the complexities of 1 DPO signs and symptoms. So, what exactly happens at 1 DPO? The journey of conception is a fascinating and ...
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Do You Ovulate On The Pill?

No, generally, you do not get pregnant or ovulate on the birth control pill. Birth control pills, often called “the pill,” contains hormones that stop you from ovulating. Without ovulation, there is no egg released ...
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Can You Get Pregnant When You’re Not Ovulating?

Recognizing when pregnancy is possible is essential whether you’re trying to conceive or prevent an unexpected pregnancy. Getting pregnant involves understanding your menstrual cycle, which consists of four stages – menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and ...
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Hormonal Fatigue: Does Ovulation Make You Tired?

Have you ever experienced аn unexpected wаve of fаtigue аs the cаlendаr nudges towаrd the middle of your menstruаl cycle? If you trаck your period аnd ovulаtion dаys, you mаy notice times when your energy ...
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Can You Ovulate Twice In A Month?

The ovulation process in most women is predictable: ovarian follicles mature, one dominant follicle releases an egg, and if you’re trying to conceive (TTC) and fortune favors, the egg fertilizes, and you might get pregnant! ...
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9 Signs Ovulation Is Over: Did you Ovulate or Not?

Ready to take the exciting leap into parenthood? Understanding your fertility cycle is a major first step.  If you’re on a mission to conceive, keeping a close eye on ovulation symptoms and scheduling intimate moments ...
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Do Breasts Hurt During Ovulation?

Breast pain, often called ‘cyclic mastalgia,’ is a symptom many women experience around their menstrual cycle. But did you know that while this pain is commonly associated with menstruation, your breasts may also hurt during ...
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